VITASUPER H12 (비타슈퍼 H12)
VITASUPER H12 (비타슈퍼 H12)
VITASUPER H12 (비타슈퍼 H12)
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VITASUPER H12 (비타슈퍼 H12)

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Product name: Vita Super H12 (Fat Burn)

Your success is our success : We all want to be leaner, healthier!
Quicker Fat burning with Extreme Weight Loss.
Origin: Mexico
Capacit : 45 capsules
Ingredients: Green tea, Fennel, L carnitine, L lysine, Apple Cider Vinegar, Pineapple
Expiration date : Marked on the side of the product
How to Take : Take 1 easy to swallow capsule in the morning with a glass of water.
Storage method : Storage in a cool and dry place

- Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking it.
- Pregnant women, nursing children, and minors should refrain from eating.
- This product is not a medical product.
- If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this product, do not take it.

Legal Disclaimer:

- These statements have not been evaluatrd by Food and Drug Afministration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. 



제품명 : 비타슈퍼 H12
원산지 : 멕시코
용량 : 캡슐 45개
성분 : 녹차, 펜넬(회향), L 카르니틴, L 라이신, 사과초모식초, 파인애플
효능 : 디톡스, 체중감량, 식욕억제, 소화작용, 콜레스테롤 감소, 항암, 성인병 예방, 면역력 강화, 활력증진
유통기한 : 제품 옆면에 표기
복용방법 : 매일 오전 한알씩 복용
보관방법 : 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관


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